As Disciples, we are called together around two essentials of faith.
A belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
A belief that Christians are free to follow their conscience guided by Bible study, the Holy Spirit and prayer.
We have an open Communion. Everyone is welcome to participate. Every Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the living Christ is met and received in the sharing of the bread and the cup, representative of the body and blood of Jesus. The presence of the living Lord is affirmed, and he is proclaimed to be the dominant power in our lives.
Our Chalice Logo is used because the chalice symbolizes the central place of communion in worship for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The X-shaped cross of the disciple Andrew is a reminder of the ministry of each person and the importance of evangelism.
We have baptism by immersion. Baptism is a public act by which the church proclaims God’s grace, as revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, using a visible sign of God’s gracious initiative and the human individual’s response in faith. We affirm that baptism is at once a divine gift and a human response. A person makes the choice to follow God’s call rather than the choice being made for them as an infant. Baptism is the basis of membership in the Church and also a mark that every person is called to serve God – the idea of the “priesthood of all believers.”
All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service. Men, women, and youth are all encouraged to serve in all facets of congregational life. Ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service, and spiritual growth. We are central in the call to mission. We have a common witness and service as a global church, all following Christ.